


Dermaplaning is the controlled scraping of the skin using a sterile, surgical blade held at a 45-degree angle for the removal of the dead skin cells and the fine vellous hairs (peach fuzz!). It is also highly effective in minimising the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and Acne scars, whilst leaving skin smooth, supple and vibrant. It creates the perfect canvas for make-up application and is a ‘go-to’ treatment for high profile occasions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Dermaplaning involves using a sterile blade to remove dead skin cells and vellous hair for a smooth glowing complexion.

As we age, our cell turnover decreases and this affects our skin texture and tone, Dermaplaning gently buffs the top layer of dead skin cells away helps to reveal a brighter and smoother complexion leaving skin ultra-smooth and perfectly prepped for make-up, so it takes on an “airbrushed” finish.

Dead skin cells make your complexion look dull and contribute to clogged pores and spots. Dermaplaning clears the way so skin peels, facials, skin products and serums can get down into the skin where they need to be rather than sitting on the skin’s surface. It also removes peach fuzz / vellus (fine) hair on the face and creates clear channels into the skin as well as a soft, smooth surface for makeup to glide on flawlessly.

Hair on the face is a type known as vellous hair, rather than the dark, thick terminal hair that grows elsewhere.  Shaving the face does not in any way cause vellus hair follicles to transform into terminal hair follicles.

There will be increased glow to your skin with an even complexion, reduction of hyperpigmentation, improved skin tone and a reduction of ‘peach fuzz’ vellus hair. Skin may be a little pink immediately after treatment but this normally subsides within an hour or so. Repeat treatment is recommended once every 1-2 skin cycles (approximately 6-12 weeks).

Some patients may experience excessive dryness or even some peeling between sessions, this usually subsides with 2 or 3 hours after the treatment. More sensitive skin may have some redness after the first couple of sessions, which usually goes away quickly as well. Dermaplaning may cause minor superficial abrasions, which may not appear until a day or two following your treatment.

There is no pain during a dermaplaning treatment.

We suggest dermaplaning every 6-8 weeks depending on your hair growth.

  • Stop Retin-A products for 5 days before your appointment  
  • Avoid laser treatments for 4 weeks before 
  • Avoid having any sort of chemical peel or microdermabrasion treatment within 2 weeks of your appointment unless supervised by your practitioner. 
  • No waxing or electrolysis for 7 days prior to your appointment 
  • There must be at least a 2-week gap between treatment and Injectables including Fillers, Muscle inhibitors and Derma needling treatments. 
  • Steroid creams, topical antibiotics and the use of Roaccutane will prevent treatment  
  • Please advise us of any medical changes at each appointment including pregnancy and breast feeding


  • Ensure a minimum SPF 30 is worn daily whatever the weather conditions 
  • Avoid perfumed products on the face for 24 hours  
  • Avoid Heat treatment including UV rays, Saunas, Steams etc for 48 hours after treatment  
  • Avoid Alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids, benzoyl peroxide, retinoids and other potentially irritating products for 7 days or until the skin has fully healed. 
  • Don’t panic! Redness, stinging, itching, tightness, mild swelling, flaking, and peeling are all normal reactions following any sort of microdermabrasion treatment. The severity of these responses varies for each individual. 
  • Avoid direct sun exposure for at least 7 to 10 days following treatment to allow your skin to fully heal 
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and consequent sweating until the skin has completely healed. usually 48 hours.
  • Hydrate the skin well  
  • Avoid chemical peel, Microdermabrasion, IPL Hair removal including waxing and Laser treatments for a minimum of 2 weeks after treatment or until the skin has fully recovered. 
  • Avoid make up for 12 hours, mineral make up is recommended.
  • Avoid Alcohol or vigorous exercise for 48 hours
  • Bruising may take place, especially after injectable treatments ( Profhilo/ Jalupro) arnica can be helpful to reduce this.
  • Report any redness, tenderness, swelling or worsening after 3 days.
  • Report any Blanching, mottled or severe pain 
  • Severe allergic reaction would include – Breathless, Wheezing, couching, swallowing, swelling of the tongue, lips, eyelids, stomach pains, nausea, diarrhoea or hoarseness of the voice. if you experience any of these symptoms call 999 or visit your local Emergency department.
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