Forma Radio Frequency by Inmode

Forma is a non invasive procedure that utilises both heat and radio-frequency to increase collagen production. Ultimately, this tightens, contours and lifts, whilst reducing deep wrinkles.

Commonly targeted areas include the around the eyes, jowls, smile lines and neck – with no pain and no downtime, or risk of ‘hot spots’. Think a hot stone massage for the face!

Over a number of treatment sessions, the skin will be stimulated to produce new collagen / elastin, resulting in a long-term lifting and tightening effect. This pain-free, no down-time treatment can be performed individually or as a recommended addition to other treatments such as Morphues8.

Before After
Before After

Lower face


pink circle 01



Lower face and neck


Courses of 8 recommended

Lower face (course of 8)


Neck (course of 8)


Lower face and neck (course of 8)


Frequently Asked Questions

The treatment involves a thorough cleaning of the skin and glide-gel will be applied to the target areas. We’ll start by applying gentle heat to warm the dermis to the required temperature (around 42 degrees) and then move the probe to further heat sections of the skin. At times, the treatment may feel a tad tingly, but not painful.

Forma is suitable for all skin types and appropriate for individuals seeking a non-invasive and naturally appearing approach to improvements in tone and texture irregularities. Our patients say that their complexion feels smoother and more defined, with a significant reduction in wrinkles.

  • Acne & Scarring (not active acne)
  • Fine Lines & Wrinkles
  • Enlarged Pores & Excess Sebum
  • Redness & Flushing
  • Brightening and Lightening
  • Clarifies & Refine
  • Hydrates & Rejuvenates
  • Skin elasticity

Forma can be used on both the face and body. Commonly treated areas are the forehead, crow’s feet, upper eyelids, lower eyelids, nasolabial folds, jowls, smile lines and neck. On the body, popular treatment zones consist of the arms (bat wings), abdomen, knees and other areas of contraction concern.

Forma is an essentially painless process with no downtime, due to its precise technology and deep-layer targeting of the skin. Slight redness throughout the treatment area is common post-procedure, which should subside within a few hours.

In order to achieve optimal results, we recommend 6 – 8 treatment sessions (1 per week) and then a maintenance course of 1x session per month.

Yes, Forma can be used in combination with many of our laser therapies, facials, injectables and dermal fillers – just speak to our skincare experts.

Avoid any irritants to your skin, including products containing Retin-A, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids, astringents, and vitamin C.

Avoid blood thinners 5-7 days before your treatment, such as aspirin, Motrin/Advil (ibuprofen), Alieve (naproxen), fish oil, and vitamin E.
You should also avoid sun exposure and tanning for at least two weeks prior to treatment.

All make-up will need to be removed prior to treatment, so please come ‘fresh faced’ if possible. Alcohol, aspirin, Ibuprofen and a range of dietary supplements including; St. Johns Wort, Omega 6 oils, Garlic, Gingko Biloba, Vitamins C and E- may all contribute to bruising and are best avoided for 5 days before treatment. Treatment cannot be administered if there is an active skin infection, including acne (stage 3 or 4) or cold sores or if you are unwell[1]including colds, coughs, sore throats etc. Do contact the clinic to discuss any illness or new medicines prior to attending.

Immediately after treatment your skin will be pink. Degrees vary from one individual to another, from pale pink blush to beetroot red. Any redness is expected to resolve steadily over hours, sometimes it may take 3 or 4 days to return to normal colour. make-up, can be worn the next day.

DO expect some possible tenderness, swelling, warmth, and redness on the treated areas for a few days to a week after treatment. DO sleep on two pillows for the first 24-48 hours post treatment to decrease swelling.

  • Gently wash skin, do not use scrubs, or rub vigorously on RF treated skin areas.
  • Don’t use any chemical or laser treatments after the RF therapy. Microdermabrasion, waxing, or use of depilatories are not recommended for the next 3-4 weeks.
  • Stay well hydrated for best results.
  • Ask a skincare specialist what ingredients are excluded from being used after RF treatment.
  • If redness worsens, or itching occurs in the first few hours after treatment, cold compresses, or an anti- histamine tablet will help to resolve any discomfort. Use only the recommended products until skin colour returns to normal, then usual skin care may be resumed. The use of a serum is recommended to support healthy skin repair and boost results SPF 30 of above should be worn daily during the course of the treatment.
  • You are advised to avoid alcohol, vigorous exercise, and extremes of heat or cold for 48 hours post treatment. These activities have been found to increase and prolong redness and swelling. Do not use any retinoids, tretinoins, alpha or beta hydroxy products, vitamin C products, scrub, exfoliate, or have chemical peels performed on the treated areas for 2 weeks Do not use hair dyes for a week following treatment. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns.
  • Immediately after treatment your skin will be pink. Degrees vary from one individual to another, from pale pink blush to beetroot red. Any redness is expected to resolve steadily over hours, sometimes it may take 3 or 4 days to return to normal colour. make-up, can be worn the next day.
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